CS GV QT Yes American History Yes Yes American History American History American History American History American History American History American History Communication Communication Communication Communication Communication Communication Communication Communication COMM 203 COMM 205 COMM 243 ENGL 103 ENGL 104 ENGL 203 ENGL 210 THAR 407 American History Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Course AFST 300 HIST 300 AFST 301 HIST 301 HIST 105 HIST 106 HIST 226 HIST 230 HIST 232 HIST 258 HIST 304 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Foundational Component Area Yes Yes Yes Yes Creative Arts Creative Arts AFST 327 MUSC 327 PERF 327 ANTH 324 MUSC 324 ARCH 249 ARCH 250 Yes Creative Arts ARCH 350 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Creative Arts Creative Arts Creative Arts Creative Arts Creative Arts Creative Arts Creative Arts ARTS 149 ARTS 150 CARC 311 DCED 202 ENDS 101 ENDS 115 ENGL 212 Yes Creative Arts Yes Yes Yes Yes Creative Arts Title Cross Listed HIST 300 AFST 300 HIST 301 AFST 301 Recertification Cycle Cycle Number 2017‐2018 3 2015‐2016 1 History of the United States History of the United States History of Texas American Military History, 1609‐Present History of American Sea Power American Indian History Mexican‐American Frontier to 1848 2015‐2016 2014‐2015 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2016‐2017 1 P 1 3 1 2 2 Public Speaking Communication for Technical Professions Argumentation and Debate Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric Composition and Rhetoric Writing about Literature Technical and Business Writing Performing Literature 2014‐2015 2014‐2015 2017‐2018 2016‐2017 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 2016‐2017 2015‐2016 P P 3 2 1 3 2 1 2017‐2018 3 2016‐2017 2 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 1 3 2016‐2017 2 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2016‐2017 2014‐2015 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2 3 2 P 1 2 3 Blacks in the US, 1607‐1877 Blacks in the US since 1877 Popular Musics in the African Diaspora Music in World Cultures Survey of World Architecture History I Survey of World Architecture History II History and Theory of Modern and Contemporary Architecture Art History Survey I Art History Survey II Field Studies in Design Communication Dance Appreciation Design Process Design Communication Foundations Shakespeare MUSC 327 PERF 327 AFST 327 MUSC 324 ANTH 324 Yes Yes Creative Arts Yes Yes Creative Arts ENGL 219 ENGL 251 FILM 251 FILM 425 FREN 425 Yes Creative Arts Yes Creative Arts HISP 204 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Creative Arts Creative Arts Creative Arts Creative Arts Creative Arts Creative Arts Creative Arts HISP 205 HORT 203 MUSC 221 MUSC 222 MUSC 225 MUSC 226 MUSC 228 MUSC 328 THAR 328 MUSC 386 THAR 386 PERF 301 MUSC 301 THAR 301 Yes Literature and the Other Arts Introduction to Film Analysis French Film FILM 251 ENGL 251 FREN 425 FILM 425 Spanish and Spanish American Literature in Translation Don Quixote and the other Arts Floral Design Guitar Heroes Music of the Americas History of Jazz History of Rock History of Electronic Music Japanese Traditional Performing Arts THAR 328 MUSC 328 THAR 386 MUSC 386 MUSC 301 THAR 301 PERF 301 2015‐2016 1 2017‐2018 3 2015‐2016 1 2017‐2018 3 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 2017‐2018 3 2016‐2017 2 2015‐2016 1 Yes Creative Arts Yes Creative Arts Yes Creative Arts Yes Creative Arts THAR 101 Introduction to Western Theatre and Drama 2015‐2016 1 Yes Creative Arts THAR 201 Introduction to World Theater 2016‐2017 2 Government/Political Science Government/Political Science POLS 206 POLS 207 American National Government State and Local Government 2014‐2015 2015‐2016 P 1 Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture AFST 204 Introduction to African American Literature 2015‐2016 1 Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture 2015‐2016 1 Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture AFST 345 HIST 345 ANTH 204 ANTH 205 Peoples and Cultures of the Ancient World Peoples and Cultures of the World 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 1 3 Language, Philosophy and Culture ANTH 210 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology 2017‐2018 3 Language, Philosophy and Culture ANTH 316 ANTH 317 RELS 317 ARAB 201 Nautical Archaeology 2016‐2017 2 2015‐2016 1 2015‐2016 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Evolution of the American Musical Performance in World Cultures Modern Africa Introduction to Biblical Archaeology Intermediate Arabic I HIST 345 AFST 345 RELS 317 ANTH 317 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture ARAB 202 ARCH 213 CARC 331 CHIN 201 CHIN 202 CLAS 220 HIST 220 RELS 220 CLAS 221 CLAS 222 CLAS 250 CLAS 251 RELS 251 CLAS 429 HIST 429 COMM 301 COMM 327 ENGL 202 Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Intermediate Arabic II Sustainable Architecture Field Studies in Design Philosophy Intermediate Chinese I Intermediate Chinese II 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2016‐2017 1 3 1 2 2 2015‐2016 1 2017‐2018 2017‐2018 2016‐2017 3 3 2 2016‐2017 2 2015‐2016 1 Rhetoric in Western Thought American Oratory Environmental Literature 2017‐2018 2016‐2017 2015‐2016 3 2 1 ENGL 204 Introduction to African American Literature 2016‐2017 2 ENGL 206 ENGL 221 MODL 221 ENGL 222 MODL 222 21st Century Literature and Culture 2017‐2018 3 2017‐2018 3 2016‐2017 2 History of Christianity: Organs to the Reformation HIST 220 RELS 220 CLAS 220 Intermediate Latin I Intermediate Latin II Greek and Roman Civilization Classical Mythology The Roman Empire World Literature World Literature RELS 251 CLAS 251 HIST 429 CLAS 429 MODL 221 ENGL 221 MODL 222 ENGL 222 Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture ENGL 227 American Literature: Beginnings to Civil War 2015‐2016 1 Yes Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture ENGL 228 ENGL 231 ENGL 232 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 2016‐2017 1 3 2 Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture ENGL 253 2017‐2018 3 Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture ENGL 330 ENGL 333 WGST 333 ENGL 334 ENGL 335 ENGL 338 ENGL 360 American Literature: Civil War to Present Survey of English Lit I Survey of British Literature II Introduction to Cultural Studies & Popular Culture Arthurian Literature 2016‐2017 2 2016‐2017 2 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2017‐2018 1 2 3 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Gay and Lesbian Literature Science Fiction Present and Past Literature of the Sea American Ethnic Literature Literature for Children WGST 333 ENGL 333 Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture ENGL 362 HISP 362 ENGL 365 RELS 360 ENGL 374 WGST 374 ENGL 376 ENGR 482 PHIL 482 FREN 201 FREN 202 FSTC 300 NUTR 300 GEOG 202 GEOG 301 GEOG 305 GERM 201 GERM 202 HISP 206 HIST 101 HIST 102 HIST 103 HIST 104 HIST 210 HIST 213 HIST 214 HIST 221 RELS 221 HIST 234 HIST 242 HIST 347 RELS 347 INTS 251 ITAL 201 ITAL 202 JAPN 201 JAPN 202 LAND 240 MUSC 201 Latino/a Literature of the U.S. Bible as Literature Women Writers HISP 362 ENGL 362 RELS 360 ENGL 365 WGST 374 ENGL 374 American Novel Since 1900 Ethics and Engineering PHIL 482 ENGR 482 Intermediate French I Intermediate French II Religious and Ethnic Foods NUTR 300 FSTC 300 Geography of the Global Village Geography of the United States Geography of Texas Intermediate German I Intermediate German II Food in the Hispanic World Western Civilization to 1660 Western Civilization Since 1660 World History to 1500 World History Since 1500 Russian Civilization History of England History of England History of Islam RELS 221 HIST 221 European Military History, 1630‐1900 United States Maritime History Rise of Islam, 600‐1258 Contemporary Issues in the Middle East Intermediate Italian I Intermediate Italian II Intermediate Japanese I Intermediate Japanese II History of Landscape Architecture Music & The Human Experience RELS 347 HIST 347 2017‐2018 3 2015‐2016 1 2015‐2016 1 2016‐2017 2 2014‐2015 P 2017‐2018 2017‐2018 3 3 2017‐2018 3 2014‐2015 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2016‐2017 2014‐2015 2016‐2017 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2017‐2018 P 1 2 2 P 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 2017‐2018 3 2016‐2017 2016‐2017 2 2 2017‐2018 3 2016‐2017 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2016‐2017 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture MUSC 227 MUSC 325 PERF 325 MUSC 326 PERF 326 PHIL 111 PHIL 251 Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture RELS 312 Contemplative Practices in the Modern World 2017‐2018 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture Language, Philosophy and Culture RUSS 201 RUSS 202 SPAN 201 SPAN 202 SPMT 220 THAR 155 THAR 156 THAR 280 THAR 281 Intermediate Russian I Intermediate Russian II Intermediate Spanish I Intermediate Spanish II Olympic Studies History of Western Dress Dress, Culture, and Society History of Theatre I History of the Theatre II 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 2017‐2018 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 1 1 3 3 2 3 3 1 2 Language, Philosophy and Culture WGST 200 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies 2017‐2018 3 Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences ANSC 107 ANTH 225 ASTR 101 ASTR 102 ASTR 109 PHYS 109 ASTR 111 ASTR 119 PHYS 119 ATMO 201 ATMO 202 BESC 201 BESC 204 BIOL 101 BIOL 107 BIOL 111 BIOL 112 BIOL 113 General Animal Science Introduction to Biological Anthropology Basic Astronomy Observational Astronomy 2017‐2018 2016‐2017 2016‐2017 2015‐2016 3 2 2 1 2017‐2018 3 2016‐2017 2 2017‐2018 3 2017‐2018 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2014‐2015 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 P Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Life and Physical Sciences Yes Life and Physical Sciences Yes Life and Physical Sciences Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Yes Yes Popular Music of India 2017‐2018 3 2015‐2016 1 2016‐2017 2 Contemporary Moral Issues Introduction to Philosophy 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 1 2 Dance in World Cultures Dance and Identity in the United States Big Bang & Black Holes PERF 325 MUSC 325 PERF 326 MUSC 326 PHYS 109 ASTR 109 Overview of Modern Astronomy Big Bang & Black Holes Companion Course Atmospheric Science Atmospheric Science Laboratory Intro to Bioenvironmental Sciences Molds and Mushrooms Botany Zoology Introductory Biology I Introductory Biology II Essentials in Biology PHYS 119 ASTR 119 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences BIOL 123 CHEM 101 CHEM 102 CHEM 106 CHEM 107 CHEM 111 CHEM 112 CHEM 116 CHEM 117 ENTO 322 ESSM 309 FIVS 123 GEOG 203 GEOG 205 GEOG 213 GEOL 101 GEOL 106 GEOS 210 HORT 201 Essentials in Biology Lab Fundamentals of Chemistry I Fundamentals of Chemistry II Molecular Science for Citizens/Laboratory General Chemistry for Engineers Fundamentals of Chemistry I Fundamentals of Chemistry II Molecular Science for Citizens/Laboratory General Chemistry for Engineers Insects in Human Society Forest Ecology Forensic Investigations Planet Earth Environmental Change Planet Earth Lab Principles of Geology Historical Geology Climate Change Horticultural Science and Practices 2016‐2017 2016‐2017 2014‐2015 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 2016‐2017 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2014‐2015 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2017‐2018 2 2 P 1 3 2 3 1 3 2 2 3 P 2 3 1 2 3 3 Life and Physical Sciences HORT 202 Horticultural Science and Practices‐Laboratory 2017‐2018 3 Yes Yes Life and Physical Sciences KINE 120 The Science of Basic Health and Fitness 2016‐2017 2 Yes Yes Life and Physical Sciences KINE 223 Introduction to the Science if Health and Fitness 2015‐2016 1 Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences Life and Physical Sciences NUTR 222 OCNG 251 OCNG 252 PHYS 201 PHYS 202 PHYS 208 PHYS 218 POSC 201 RENR 205 RENR 215 SCSC 105 SCSC 301 SCSC 405 Nutrition for Health and Health Care Oceanography Oceanography Laboratory College Physics College Physics Electricity and Optics Mechanics General Avian Science Fundamentals of Ecology Fundamentals of Ecology‐Laboratory World Food and Fiber Crop Soil Science Soil and Water Micriobiology 2016‐2017 2016‐2017 2016‐2017 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2016‐2017 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Mathematics MATH 131 Mathematical Concepts‐ Calculus 2016‐2017 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics MATH 141 MATH 142 MATH 147 MATH 148 MATH 150 MATH 151 MATH 152 MATH 166 MATH 167 MATH 171 MATH 172 PHIL 240 Business Mathematics I Business Mathematics II Calculus I for Biological Sciences Calculus II for Biological Sciences Functions, Trigonometry & Linear System Engineering Mathematics I Engineering Mathematics II Topics in Contemporary Mathematics II For All Practical Purposes Analytic Geometry and Calculus Calculus Introduction to Logic 2014‐2015 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2014‐2015 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2014‐2015 P 3 1 2 P 3 1 2 1 3 1 P Yes Social and Behavioral Sciences AGEC 105 Introduction to Agricultural Economics 2015‐2016 1 Yes Social and Behavioral Sciences AGEC 350 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics 2017‐2018 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Global Social Justice Issues in Agriculture Introduction to Anthropology Introduction to Archaeology Social and Behavioral Factors in Design Global Ethics, Culture and Practice Interpersonal Communication Organizational Communication Persuasion Intercultural Communication 2014‐2015 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 P 2 3 1 1 2 3 3 1 2015‐2016 1 Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences ALEC 450 ANTH 201 ANTH 202 ARCH 212 ARCH 458 COMM 315 COMM 320 COMM 325 COMM 335 COMM 365 JOUR 365 ECON 202 ECON 203 EPSY 320 EPSY 321 GEOG 201 HLTH 236 HORT 335 INST 210 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2017‐2018 2017‐2018 2016‐2017 2014‐2015 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 P Yes Social and Behavioral Sciences INST 222 2015‐2016 1 Yes Yes Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences INST 301 JOUR 102 2014‐2015 2016‐2017 P 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Social and Behavioral Sciences Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes International Communication Principles of Economics Principles of Economics Child Development for Educators Adolescent Development for Educators Introduction to Human Geography Race Ethnicity and Health Sociohorticulture Understanding Special Populations Foundations of Education in a Multicultural Society Educational Psychology American Mass Media JOUR 365 COMM 365 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Yes Social and Behavioral Sciences Yes Yes Social and Behavioral Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences MARS 210 PSYC 107 SOCI 205 SOCI 206 SOCI 207 WGST 207 SOCI 211 SOCI 212 SOCI 217 SOCI 304 SOCI 312 SOCI 313 SOCI 314 SOCI 315 SOCI 327 SPMT 304 SPMT 319 SOCI 319 SPMT 336 SPMT 337 Marine Geography Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Sociology Global Social Trends Introduction to Gender and Society WGST 207 SOCI 207 Sociology of Deviance Sociology of Popular Culture Introduction to Race and Ethnicity Criminology Population and Society Military, War and Society Social Problems The Marriage Institution Morality and Society Psychology of Sport Sociology of Sport Diversity in Sport Organizations International Sport Business SOCI 319 SPMT 319 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 3 1 2 3 2016‐2017 2 2015‐2016 2015‐2016 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 2017‐2018 2016‐2017 1 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 2017‐2018 3 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 1 2